Spirituality/Belief • Education • Culture
Goal is to inform people on God.
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Why do we need Jesus’ worldview?

Why do we need Jesus’ worldview? It anchors us in God’s reality, empowering us to confront injustice and live with integrity in a shifting world. #KingdomLiving.

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Why is it that we hear God better when we have faith?

Why is it that we hear God better when we have faith? Faith tunes our hearts to His frequency, helping us discern His voice amidst the noise of life.

Why is it important to rely on the Holy Spirit?

Why is it important to rely on the Holy Spirit? He equips us with gifts that transform our ministry, making us effective witnesses for God’s kingdom.

Why seek solitude?

Why seek solitude? Jesus often withdrew to pray and connect with the Father. Create space in your life to hear God’s voice. Luke 5:16 #HearingGod #FaithJourney.


Why settle for distance when God offers intimacy? The Gospel restores us into fellowship with our Creator, breaking the chains of sin and drawing us closer to His heart.

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Why is restored relationship through the Gospel so important? Sin separated us, but God’s love, through Christ, brings us back to Him, offering reconciliation and peace.

Why struggle with uncertainty? The gospel promises eternal life and unshakeable security in Jesus. Trust in Him, and experience the peace of knowing you are safe in God's hands.

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